Well y’all I’m officially out of the marathon recovery phase. It’s been four weeks since I ran my first marathon last month [READ: #RapOnTheRun: 2014 Tobacco Road Marathon Review]. Now is the time to put another race on the calendar. Otherwise I’m going to get lazy and be less prepared when it’s time to kick up the training notch for the next marathon I plan to run in the late Fall.
Some people are very disciplined and are able to keep up a routine running schedule without having a race on their calendar. I am not one of those people. I learned this the hard way after running my first half-marathon, the Raleigh City of Oaks half marathon, back in November 2012. After that race, I pretty much went into chill and celebratory mode. At most, I ran one day per week, usually about 8-10 miles. If that.
On top of not running regularly, it was the holidays. I turnt up in grand fashion (i.e. at the dinner table, at parties, at get togethers, at anytime there was delicious delights around) all throughout Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Lawd.
Between November 2012 until mid January 2013, I gained 10 pounds and lost almost all of my running conditioning. Now, I try not to be one of those chicks that obsess over the scale. I love my body and all it’s curves. But when you go from running a half marathon and having a body conditioned to run 13.1 miles, to doing nothing but eating like you’re still running 25+ miles a week, you can “feel it”. I didn’t feel as in shape, clothes started fitting tight and I got frustrated.
It was a low moment to realize that months of hard work (it took me 11 months to get into half marathon shape) got busted down in less than two months as a result of getting lazy and being unfocused.
It was at this point that I realized that keeping a race event on my calendar is one of the best movtivators for me. This helps keep me focused, on point and maintain all of the healthy habits that are required while training for a race.
Beyond that, I really missed the feeling that running gave me. It’s a great stress reliever, helps to clear my mind and also sleep better at night. Sometimes if there’s a problem I can’t solve, I’ll go for a run. During the run or afterwards, all of sudden I can see ways to resolve it that I didn’t think of previously.
So in mid January 2013, I signed up to run the Run Raleigh Half Marathon. The race was to take place in early April 2013. I started training in late January. I also met with a registered dietician to help get my race nutrition up to par in the best possible way.
It took me exactly two months to get back in 13.1 mile shape. I stuck with the training plan, ate properly, recovered when needed and got plenty of rest. When I ran the Raleigh City of Oaks half marathon in November 2012, I finished in 3:45 (three hours, forty five minutes). When I ran the Run Raleigh half marathon, I finished in 3:23 (three hours, twenty three minutes).
Since then, I’ve always kept a race on the calendar. My routine is to run a race, take a couple of weeks off from running (no more than two weeks!) and then begin planning for the next big event. Remembering the hard lesson from last year (losing condition, feeling guilty about getting out of race shape, etc.) helps keep me on point. Having a race on the calendar is also one of the biggest motivators for me. It helps keep me focused and accountable for the discipline required to train properly and be ready when I toe up at the starting line on race day.
So this morning I signed up to run the Race 13.1 Midtown Raleigh half marathon in June 2014. As I mentioned in a prior post [READ: #RapOnTheRun: I Need To Run Faster, I Need To Get Leaner], I’m going to use this half marathon to get a good idea on how my pace is improving as I get ready for my next marathon. Fitness boot camp has certainly helped with my strength and flexibility, and in two weeks, my pace has improved as well! [#RapOnTheRun: Fitness Boot Camp 2 Week Check-In & Results Update].
In hindsight, maybe falling off the wagon back in November 2012 wasn’t entirely a bad thing. I learned several lessons and am better prepared on how to keep myself motivated.
Keeping a race on my calendar is my anti-lazy tool, what’s yours?
Y’all can stay tuned to my Twitter (@nancioishiphop), ‘Gram (@nancioishiphop), Facebook (Nanci O Is Hip Hop) and the blog for all running updates.