Tag: Half Marathon
#RapOnTheRun: 2015 Raleigh Rock N Roll Half Marathon (@RunRocknRoll) Race Review (Video) #RunChat
The Rock N Roll Half Marathon Series came to Raleigh, NC this past weekend. It was the second year for the event in the Triangle. Earlier this Spring while training for the 2015 Tobacco Road Marathon (which was to be my third full marathon), I ended up having to cut back on mileage. At…
#RapOnTheRun: Race 13.1 Midtown Raleigh (@Race131), My Spring 2014 Anti-Lazy Tool
Well y’all I’m officially out of the marathon recovery phase. It’s been four weeks since I ran my first marathon last month [READ: #RapOnTheRun: 2014 Tobacco Road Marathon Review]. Now is the time to put another race on the calendar. Otherwise I’m going to get lazy and be less prepared when it’s time to kick…