Category: Fitness
#RapOnTheRun: A Journey Of Running 1000 Miles Begins With Making Up Your Mind #RunChat
Loading View on Instagram I haven’t made New Year’s resolutions in years. Back in January of this year set a goal to run 1000 miles by December. It seemed almost impossible and honestly a little scary. What if I tried to do it and fail? What if I got hurt? At any rate,…
#RapOnTheRun: Atlanta’s Movers And Pacers Run Club Review #MoversandPacers #RunChat
If you’re a runner and decide to visit Atlanta, Georgia you may want to check out the Movers And Pacers run club. I follow Atlantapologist Maurice Garland on Instagram and first read about the run club earlier this year via his ‘Gram feed. Movers And Pacers is an influencer based run club created to…
#RapOnTheRun: Recipe Review: How To Make Your Own Sports Recovery Drinks (& Save Money!) #RunChat
If you ever thought making sports recovery drinks at home (think Gatorade, GU Brew, Nuun, etc.) are hard, think again: they are much easier than you think! There are countless products available on the market and in local athletic stores. Over the past year as I’ve learned why it’s important to hydrate runs with sports…
#RapOnTheRun: Workout Clothes Smell After Washing? How To Get Rid Of The Stink Without Using Chemicals #RunChat
Do your workout clothes smell after washing them? If they don’t, you have got to be an anomaly of some sort. If they do welcome to the club, you’re in good company here! Smelly workout clothes is something I’ve been dealing with ever since beginning a regular fitness regimen. Since that time, I have tried…
#RapOnTheRun: Stilettos & High Heels & IT Band Syndrome, Oh My! #RunChat
Disclaimer: This blog post is by no means meant to diagnosis a condition or prescribe any remedies. If you are having health issues, you may want to consider getting checked out by a licensed medical professional. Stilettos and high heels are kryptonite to a runner’s iliotibial band (aka the IT band). It is only…
#RapOnTheRun: Rick Ross, Setting Intentions & Taking Action #RunChat
The opening bars of Rick Ross’ “Rich Forever” off of the Rich Forever mixtape is my favorite track of his of all time. The opening grabs my attention everytime: “I remember being blind to it / till the day I put my mind to it…” There is truth in those Rick Ross lyrics. Be…
#RapOnTheRun: Sir Ratchetness (@SirRatchettNess) & The Operation Get Chose Challenge (#OperationGetChose)
If you’re unfamiliar with Sir Ratchness and Freshalina’s hilarious weekly pop culture recap ‘Neck of the Woods’ podcast here’s a chance to learn more plus do something healthy. Back in June I shared with y’all some of the challenges and tips I use for motivation to keep running [READ: #RapOnTheRun: Motivation And Running]. Staying focused…
#RapOnTheRun: It’s Your Fitness Journey #RunChat
This #RapOnTheRun blog about your fitness journey is inspired by a post I saw while scrolling Facebook last week. Over the past couple of weeks, a friend has been posting workouts and meals, in addition to writing about how she’s making small changes to live a healthier lifestyle. She also talks about how those changes…
#RapOnTheRun: Motivation And Running #RunChat
Instagram On motivation and running, below are two questions I’m asked frequently: “How do you stay motivated?” “I can’t do that!” I’ve been asked those questions even more in the past month, ever since I completed a fourth half marathon earlier this month [READ: #RapOnTheRun: Midtown Raleigh Race 13.1 (@Race131) Half Marathon Race Review] and…