Have y’all ever been interested on how to become a runner? Even more, have you ever been curious on learning more about how to get started running? In this week’s #rapontherun vlog, I share with y’all 5 easy tips on how to become a runner. I also include a few online and offline resources on where to go for more help.
Getting started on how to become a runner may be easier than you think. As a disclaimer, I’ll let y’all know straight out the gate that I am not a professional. I’m a regular chick who enjoys running in her free time and on the weekends. So the 5 tips I’m sharing with y’all on how to become a runner are from a regular person’s point of view.
Read more and watch the 5 Easy Tips On How To Become A Runner vlog after the jump!
5 Easy Tips On How To Become A Runner:
1. Get checked out and cleared by a doctor before beginning any fitness program.
You want to make sure your body is healthy and ready for physical exertion.
2. Visit a local running store.
Local running stores are great resources for beginning runners. I recommend a small, local business over a chain store. I have found that specialized running stores have better customer service and offer more resources. You can also connect with people in your area who are at the same level of running as you are. There may be opportunities to join a walk/run club, learn about local races plus much more.
3. Check out runnersworld.com.
This website is a spin off of Runners World magazine. The online home of the magazine has motivation, tips, gear reviews plus beginning runner training programs.
4. Join @TheRunChat’s#RunChat’s weekly running Q&A on Twitter. Earlier this year I wrote about how #RunChat has helped me to become a better runner. [READ: #RapOnTheRun: BSX Athletics Insight (@BSXAthletics) + The Goals To Get Fast & Lean]
5. Sign up for a 5K (3.1 mile) race.
Getting a race on your calendar will give you a focus point. You’ll have a goal to work towards and more motivation for beginning and sticking to a new training program.
Watch the video for more details on these tips. Do you have any ideas on how to become a runner? Share your tips below!
Y’all can stay tuned to my Twitter (@nancioishiphop), Instgram (@nancioishiphop), Facebook (Nanci O Is Hip Hop), YouTube (nancioishiphop) and the blog for all running updates.
Disclaimer: It is recommended that you are checked out and cleared by your doctor before beginning any fitness program.