Nanci O Is Hip Hop

I interviewed Cincinatti/ATL’s Street Lotto earlier this year on the show. He hit me up earlier today to let me know that he was on CNN talking about his new project and the new software ZOOZbeat, and how it’s impacting his music and the way he creates it.

On some real talk I thought he was joking at first. I mean how often do rappers end up on talking head TV unless their going toe to toe with Bill O’Reily or godness forbid, Rush Limbaugh?

Lotto hit me with the links from the tech edition of CNN. During the episode Lotto talks about a new technology called ZOOZbeat, which allows users to recreate music from their phones. ZOOZbeat seems like the 2009 updated musical version of the clapper. Very interesting indeed.

Fast forward to the 1:11 mark to hear Lotto talk about the new software and spit a couple of bars.