Nanci O Is Hip Hop


Well y’all I survived fitness boot camp. Remember I told y’all back when fitness boot camp started that I really do not like (hate! hate! hate! hate!) cross training. When it comes down to it, I’d rather just run. The main goal with adding cross training to my marathon training is to become a faster, leaner runner [READ: #RapOnTheRun: I Need To Run Faster, I Need To Get Leaner].

So fitness boot camp took place for four weeks, two classes a week for a total of eight classes. Pictured above is my coach Meredith. I only went to seven classes because on one day of class, I got my hair done that afternoon. Y’all know good and well I wasn’t about to turn around and sweat out my freshly styled locs.

Classes took place mostly outside (fresh air!). There was a lot of stadium stair runs (sometimes while carrying 20 pound kettle balls), abdominal work (for a stronger core), strength exercises (arms and legs), speed work and a whole lot more.

In only four weeks/seven classes, I can honestly say there’s been noticeable and definite improvement in my overall fitness.


During the first class, we completed a 7 minutes fitness test [READ: #RapOnTheRun: Fitness Boot Camp Day One: The 7 Minute Fitness Test]. Below are my first day numbers:

Squats: 39
Pushups: 25
Burpees: 10
High Knees: 80
Lunges: 57
Plank: 20 seconds
Crunches: 20

Today during the last class, we completed the exact same 7 minute fitness test. Below are my numbers from today:

Squats: 40
Pushups: 32
Burpees: 12
High Knees: 118
Lunges: (Right Leg) 69, (Left Leg) 68
Plank: 65 seconds
Crunches: 26

Again, this improvement was in only seven classes. I did not change anything in my diet or running routine. As I mentioned last week after the first two weeks of class, my running pace has improved [#RapOnTheRun: Fitness Boot Camp 2 Week Check-In & Results Update].

I ran my first sub-12 minute/mile, an 11:36! This past weekend, I also went out for an extremely hilly 6 mile run. Even with the altitude, my average pace was 13:38. During the last run on this same route back in December, my average pace was 15:20.

Beyond the improvements in pace, I feel stronger overall.

My legs feel lighter and my core seems slimmer. The scale can be a dirty hoe so I didn’t weigh myself before class started, so I can’t say for sure if there’s been any weight loss. I probably should have taken measurements but didn’t think of that until today. Oh well.

I also noticed that while running the past couple of weeks, the first two miles of runs didn’t “hurt” like they usually do. It seemed like my body warmed up quicker, typically within the first mile. Overall flexibility has improved and my running muscles feel looser.

I’m happy with the results from the seven fitness boot camp classes and am now considering taking more cross training classes. I’m still not crazy about working out inside of the gym [#RapOnTheRun: Sometimes You Just Have To Netflix Through It] but have found ways to deal with that. My boot camp instructor Meredith had a great attitude and so did my two class mates (pictured above), so that helped as well.

There’s still almost two months before the next big race [#RapOnTheRun: Race 13.1 Midtown Raleigh (@Race131), My Spring 2014 Anti-Lazy Tool]. If I keep with the cross training, hopefully my pace and overall fitness will improve even more so that I can finish that half marathon in less than 3 hours.

Y’all can stay tuned to my Twitter (@nancioishiphop), ‘Gram (@nancioishiphop), Facebook (Nanci O Is Hip Hop) and the blog for all running updates.
